Monday, October 5, 2009

Karzais Klein Democracy

As a former Marine and combat veteran I voted for President Obama hoping that he would remove our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and even though the Whitehouse has recently hinted there would be no reduction in forces protecting Kabul... I really thought that in Obama grandeur we would get a press conference later this week not only announcing the refusal to send more young men to that heroin infested shit hole but a proclamation of ENDING THE WAR! What war?

Close to 1,000 US soldiers have died in Afghanistan and almost 5,000 in Iraq. Do you realize it has been NINE years? We go on with our lives and do any of you recall the last time you watched an American-flag-draped coffin exit a plane at Dover? Do any of you recall the last soldier killed in Afghanistan? Has there been any reduction in troop sizes in Afghanistan or Iraq? This is a black GW!

To be honest with you, no other issue permeated my thoughts when voting for Obama more than Iraq and Afghanistan. I could give a crap about gay marriage, a new economic policy, or Iran...all I wanted was someone with balls to stand up to the narcissistic military establishment that runs through Washington, London, Moscow, Baghdad, Jerusalem, Riyadh and New Delhi and say E N O U G H !

I guess the decision to forego any troop removal was made behind closed doors last month in Pittsburgh...ermmmm, ever heard of the Group of Twenty? G-20. They had a little summit in Pittsburgh last month. This decision most likely bodes well for most of the G-20 whores. Think about it...the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan have become to the world what the Palestianians are to Israel... a bunch of mis-fit kwanii kelbahs (faggot bitches) that no one else wants to help find a solution to or for so the international community has used our presence in Afghanistan as leverage to remind President Obama that our boys need to remain there in order to fight for Afghani womens suffrage, Zoroastrian freedom, education for the little kids, a fruitful life at least past 10 years old, an outlet to the abyss. Wait! That sounds like Memphis! We have one of if not the highest infant mortality rate in the country that is worse than some T H I R D W O R L D countries, our violent crime among young people is much more skewed toward black on black - try 99% - which is an abomination, more than a third of our highschool kids never finish school, and we wonder why Memphis was one of the first cities to receive the H1N1 innoculation - today, 10/05/09 - it is because we are in the middle of a mayoral race where everyone is talking about bringing the county and city together as one loving fucking entity and being equal.

Equal?? A 10 year old white girl with MS and other complications died last week in Memphis from H1N1 and a 13 year old very healthy black boy died yesterday two miles away. 6,000 cases have been reported in Memphis. Yet the G-20 have a new vision and the Pittsburgh summit's preamble stated:
"We meet in the midst of a critical transition from crisis to recovery to turn the page on an era of irresponsibility and to adopt a set of policies, regulations and reforms to meet the needs of the 21st century global economy..."

Afghanistan borders Irans eastern boundaries and that is the only reason I can imagine we have fooled ourselves into remaining will force the Persians to talk more. This is so ludicrous. I despise Ahmadinejad but do not see why he has to be forced to "talk". I think it is time for Cyrus to just let it be.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we have troops on the other side of Persia/Iran also... I R A Q. Maybe there is some order in chaos in the new world idealogy of geo-stratified nation building... it's sheer madness to me. I just beg that we cut our losses and let the zibs (dicks) take care of themselves but no matter what, as Stephen Decatur said, "my country right or wrong , my country..." but this is the abbreviated version for quaint hill-billy southerners! What he actually said was: “My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.” Let's do what we can to set it right!

Semper Fidelis!