Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Mother Of Tribes

Almost a year ago I ranted about an attempt from the Sau'di Prince Turki to force a peace plan on Israel via the Obama administration and at the time found it rather humorous. I now realize the error in my humility.

I now believe that much of the recent actions by the Netanyahu government in Israel toward the settlements are a direct result of the "schmoozing" that went on between the Sau'di and President Obama. The horrifying part of this is not only has the sovereignty of the settlements been abrogated but I fear Gilad Shalit's fate has been turned into a pawn by the US government. Shalit is the Israeli soldier who has been held as a hostage by Hamas militants since his capture in June 2006.

Tamar Yonah discussed the possible release of hundreds of known Palestinian terrorists held by the Israeli Government in exchange for Gilad Shalit with Suzie Dym, a member of the Mattot Arim organization today on her show on Israel National TV. Matot Arim - Cities of Israel, Tribes of Israel, Mother of all tribes...

Shalit is a duel French-Israeli citizen and Ms. Dym intimated that the Israeli government should let the French deal with his release becasue under no circumstances does she or her organization support the release of hundreds of Palestinian terrorists for his freedom. She stated that we cannot release hundreds of killers back to the streets. Her arguments were rational and stated clearly with very little "spin" on them except...

...the Israeli government has been very nice to the Arabs all through YeShA since Prince Turki's attempt at international extortion and extraordinarily rude to their fellow Jewish citizens.

The life of ONE Jew is worth releasing a thousand or even ten thousand "mullah-wannabes". They will simply crawl back into the crevices of the dung houses they belong in and continue a viral cycle of hate amongst the other two million children of Ishmael.

I will end here as I did my blog in January:


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