Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Jew Under The Lotus

So I have been thinking a lot lately about when I “came out”, gays, the so-called gay community, A-Lister gays, faerie gays, the Palestinians, the West Bank,Gaza, Golan, Baghdad, Beirut, Southern Lebanon, Bashir Assad in Syria, Afghanistan, Opium, Heroin, China, Jane Goodall, Lewis Leakey, Olduvai Gorge, Lucy, Sudan, Rwanda, Nepal, India, Pakistan, the Dalai Lama…and wonder where it all stops.

I first came out when I awoke that sultry Alabama summer day with my eleven year old BVD’s splattered with some creamy shit around the piss trap and thought I was dying…then I remembered this unbelievable feeling that I experienced a few minutes before in both my groin and head and remembered that I was feeling up my younger neighbor’s ass and inside thighs as he climbed up a concrete wall in the drainage ditch. As I removed my underwear I whispered to myself “Johan”. He was so beautiful and I had a crush on him until I graduated from high school.

I first came out at my friend Robbie’s sleepover when I went to the bathroom and could not understand why I was so engrossed in the remaining drops of piss left by him on the ring of the toilet.

I first came out when a family friend who was attempting to live a life of religious celibacy asked me up to his room to show me the L&N train set he had and then offered me a miniature caboose he made with my name on it.

I first came out when my mother’s pussy dilated a little too much and I weighed a whopping four pounds and a couple ounces as I entered this kingdom.

I first came out when I watched the space shuttle Colombia explode in the sky like a giant dick relieving itself of years of pent up frustration and pain…but then it became serious.

I first came out when I realized at ten that the Leif Garrett album covers sucked me in for only one reason…those TIGHT white pants and his beautiful face.

I first came out when my grandfathers died within a few months of each other and realized for the first time I had lost some pure innocence in my life.

I first came out when I watched Elvis' Cadillac meander up Union Ave while asking my mother where Graceland was and telling her I wanted to be there.

I first came out when the rounds began falling around me in northern Kuwait as I began entreating upon Mary, Jesus, Muhammad, Allah, G-d, Buddha, and Krishna, promising them all that if I lived I would no longer play charades with my life…

…I loved southern Iraq and Kuwait and first came out a few months later while eating Baskin & Robbins ice cream under a date palm grove outside of Kuwait City. My unit was given an eight hour reprieve to visit an Olympic sized pool with volleyball nets and all types of recreation that obviously was built for foreign oil workers. I was lieing on my stomach as this small group of British soldiers squeezed in and began removing their “cammies”. They all were wearing speedos and before I realized it I was zoned in on one particular beauty – dark hair, dark eyes, smooth skin - my dick became more painful when I realized I was lying on top of my own hard-on that was practically lifting me up. I quickly began thinking of some jerk-off Iraqis blood splattered on my face a few days before and got up with a limp dick to get a snow cone at the refreshment stand. As I took my change from some Indian guy sold into servitude to the Kuwaitis or Saudis my hand slightly smacked someone in the balls as it became rested back to my side. I looked up and attempted to say excuse me and it was that British beauty from earlier and he said with a smirk “oh it’s quite alright mate” and I ran.

That evening I walked up to the little compound/bazaar the size of four to five football fields enclosed by a fourteen foot concrete wall and walked past the Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, McDonalds… of which all were Halal, and decided on the Baskin & Robbins. I figured it was goat milk ice cream which sounded nice to me…cream once again. The line was unbelievable. I didn’t know Arabs loved Baskin & Robbins so much and could not help but enjoy the wonderful scenery of all the young Arabs wearing their thobes and the subtle yet very erotic outlines of every curve on their bodies…including their warmly welcoming manhood.

I retrieved my ice cream and walked to a small grove of date palm trees in front of these abandoned oil worker dormitory style apartments and began thinking back to the date shakes my grandma made me when I was a child that had a taste and flavor uncomparable to this day and my B&R serving began tasting the same. My daydreaming soon turned to disappointment when it appeared someone was walking my way and I figured it was some Arab wishing to engage in simple conversation or one who was sent by Muhammad to move me away from his property because I was an Infidel and then realized it was neither. The person appeared to walk in a “western” manner and it soon became obvious it was a soldier with a personal weapon slung over his shoulder and in fatigues. I sat up and choked on my ice cream which I never thought was possible and have not experienced that to this day when I realized it was the British beauty from the pool.

We introduced ourselves, traded recent combat stories, spoke of the heat, explored what would happen to Saddam Hussein, ruminated about TE Lawrence and then his hand began caressing my thigh and before I knew it I was being led by David to the abandoned building behind us. We began kissing, probing, groping, touching and whatever else goes on as soon as we found a door that would open. He found my gay virginity funny and told me he would be gentle. Before I knew it we were in one of the rooms showers and my dick had slid into his glory as if I had done it a thousand and one times before.

I first came out with Muhammad and the Seven Pillars of Islam on my mind and felt like I was Johnathan comforting David and have been under the Lotus ever since.

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