Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ham, Lamb, & Hashem

Ham? The Korban Pesach mam' if you please.

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu, visited the US this week and among "shmuzing" with Hussein Obama spoke at an AIPAC fundraiser where he made it clear that he was confused why the world was so aghast at Jews building their homes in the capital of their country, Jerusalem. I so thought he was going to say, "OK Mexicans, you can't build any more homes in Mexico City, those areas should go to the Chabad Lubavitcher Jews that moved in a few years ago" or "OK America, you cannot build any more homes in DC (not Jerusalem DC, David's Capital), those areas should go to the Sudanese and Yemenis without passports who have moved there"...on and on.

One third of the 50,000 dwellings (so called settlement houses) slated to be built in East Jerusalem...or as the media says - Arab East Jerusalem - are for Israeli Arabs, which is proportionate to the population. So the Jews are building settlements for the Arabs?

Netanyahu simply raised the 'Kos of Eliyahu' and told us that "we are going to build and protect Jerusalem"...again; even after Hillary seemed to be more incensed over an already year old plan to build than her husbands extra marital proclivities. She must be a lesbian and Axelrod and Emanuel are simple "capos".

Jewish birth and growth was an issue prior to the Inquisition. Jewish birth and growth were an issue prior to the thousands of pograms in Eastern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Jewish birth and growth was a problem prior to, during, and after the initial advent of the Third Reich, G-d rest their Shoah souls.

Jewish birth and growth was a problem to the Pharoah!! So what did he do? Kill the Jewish lads.

Netanyahu reminded the "kus of Amalek' in Washington that Yerushalayim belonged to the Heebs and not the kikes and goy! If houses needed to be built for newborns then so be it. The Israeli capital has to be protected if not from the Arab 'koos zibs' then from the Husseini family meshiach wanna-bes.

I love the similarities: 'kos' in Hebrew is CUP. So kos elijahu is 'cup of Elijah' - 'Koos' in Arabic is a word the west transliterates as a word we use for a cat that sounds really bad! Zib is DICK!

Deserving of a completely separate paragraph and sentence: Elijahu means "YaHWeH is G-d".

Pesach is upon us and the Chometz is better be. The Heebs left Egypt too fast to let the bread rise so make sure your Chometz is locked away in a cabinet or sold to a righteous goy until Wednesday of the first week of April, Nissan 21 & 22, and then you can reconnoiter it.

You know, the Sykes-Pichot agreement ultimately removed the Husseini family from modern day Sau'di Arabia as the caretakers of Mecca and Medina and "established" then in Jordan (think, King Hussein), Iraq (hmmmm), and what is today called Syria...

Netanyahu has a ring in his office loaned by an Israeli antiquities group "moving dirt around the Temple site" with the name Netanyahu Shimon something inscribed in dates back to the time of Melech David's temple if I remember correctly.

Hussein Obama needs to let go and understand that Eretz Yisroel is ALL of todays Israel, most of that sharmoota King Hussein's land, ALL of Lebannon, and Syria included, and even northern Egypt...let's include that shithead Ahmadinejads "hole" also, or...

...make a bunch of battery operated reed boats that can be floated down the river to Amalek.

Build, build, build, build....this year in Yerushalayem!

Pesach Sameach!

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