Sunday, March 14, 2010

If I Forget You...

So, Israel Apartheid Week ends today. It should be more like 'goyem against Jews apartheid week'. Did you know an observant Jew cannot go to the Temple Mount and pray - the Temple, you know, Melech David, Solomon, Adams "rib"....not that shithole adorned by Arab gold known as Al-Asqa mosque. Jews are allowed to go there only at specific times on certain days and if your eyes are closed too long or the body sways the gestapo bitches whisk you away to appease the Arabs.

Netanyahu apologized to VP Biden for the announcement of further settlements in Yehuda and Shomron aka West Bank and Secretary of State Clinton and Biden then chided Israel for the plan. How many Arabs have died at the hands of the Israelis in the last year? How many Arabs have died at the hands of Fatah, Hamas, and even Hezbullah in the last year? A "few" more than at the hands of the Jews! How many people have died at the US-Mexican border in the last year due to the fallout of failed goy christian policies in meso-America? Many many more! Why is Biden, or Obama, not chiding President Fellipe Calderon??

March 16, Rosh Chodesh Nisan is the first Annual Temple Mount Awareness Day. We don't want to kick the chara Arabs out, we'll offer them citizenship as long as they behave - no more... stones, bus bombings, pizza parlor bombings, cafe shootings, katyusha launches, tunnels, defilement.

I know, I know, Biden drank too much Golani wine:

"Substance dulls the mind, Traife wine clouds the heart, You can't sew a stitch with one hand while you are taking it apart."

Jerusalem, if I forget you, let my right hand forget what it is supposed to do!
If Jerusalem isn't Jewish then what the hell is it??

Human rights extends beyond a Hamas or Fatah press release!

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