Saturday, January 30, 2010

I decided Friday that I was clinically confused and after looking at the news tonight I discovered that I am the only sane person in the world!

Twenty days ago I blogged about the then “on the down low” development of a huge arms deal with several Middle Eastern countries that the US has been working on - MSNBC online posted US Speeds Up Arms Buildup With Gulf Allies today via The Washing Post - and Friday there was confirmation of a six billion dollar deal with Taiwan. That is the number 6 with nine zero’s, looks something like this $ 6,000,000,000.

The deal with Taiwan was reported as a fulfillment of a $11 billion deal pledged by former President GW Bush to that nation in 2001; after removing much of the all too familiar double-speak that was once owned by the neo-cons it simply is supposed to be a “threat” to China. This whole situation really reeks of the 40 years of backroom Pentagon mapping of the world. Hmmm, ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’ or ‘Mein Kampf’.

Then today former President HW Bush went and had tea time at the White House with President Obama. I bet HW had GW hidden in his coat pocket and the three of them went and played army with little stick men painted yellow while son Jebulon snuck away with the First Lady and Chief Of Staff Emanuel davened over David Axelrod.

So, the next rightful thing to do is arm Lhasa. I am sure the monks could use a couple of the ballistic missiles, a few Black Hawk helicopters and one of the mine hunting ships from the Mid-East package to frighten China some more. While we are at it, might as well re-arm Shin Fein and play fair and distribute the same to the Orange Order. I’m sure we also could benefit from trucking a few missiles across the northern border to the Quebecois separatists in Canada and some across the Baja to the drug lords in Mexico. Let’s be fair about this now…in light of the new populist spirit of kind hearted “love spreading” from Washington in the way of guns, germs, and steel we might as well return some munitions back to the Serbian goats and some of the VX gas - we claim to be disposing of - to the Chechnyan rebels. Nor should we forget the poor Hamas and Hezbollah souls in southern Lebanon, they are in dire need of some kefer cheese and Katyusha rockets. Oh, can’t forget Cypress, we need to reignite shit there also…send them a few SAM’s and by all means please carry forward the Christian spirit and send some munitions to the stinky Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza.

…might as well bring back the Third Reich since we need jobs and revenue so bad.

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize?

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