Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why Are You Gay - Why Are YOU Pregnant?

I really am not much different than most people in having a "closet" full of enigmatic contradictions and mysteries but I honestly do not get this one:

(From MSN)
"Another pregnant man is making headlines. He and his mate are expecting a baby very soon. The man is Scott Moore, who grew up as Jessica...Scott got to know his mate, Thomas, at a support group. Like Scott, Thomas was born female. Thomas has two children from a prior relationship, and Scott has helped raise them...Scott is the second pregnant man to come forward. The first was Thoams Beatie..."

This is like going to Sears and ordering a custom made refridgerator with an oven in it...but wait, there actually is such a thing, the Whirlpool it, I swear! Unfortunately it was DISCONTINUED.

Some things are better left like they were when they were sitting on the showcase floor at Montgomery Ward. They opened their doors in 1895 and became a "cross town rival" to Sears in more ways than one. Sears now owns the Montgomery Ward properties/name. So, is the child bearing transgendered male-thing a rival? Nah, just an aberration. Please DISCONTINUE the spin cycle or maybe adopt a child from Haiti!!!!

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