Monday, January 25, 2010

Prophylacteries In The Sky

Trying to be shomer Shabbat really opens the mind to many thoughts and observations crawling around quietly in the dark crevices of the soul pleading to be released into the days light, but the suns blanket keeps them begging at the threshold of reason.

Shomer Shabbat - when the sun goes down, when the first star is visible to the naked eye, when you decide to welcome the bride, or when my Chabad brethren define the proper zmanim – is the time set when one decides not to carry money, not turn on or off a light switch, not to bathe, not to pick up the channel changer, not to prepare food, not to drive, not to take medicine, not to pick up the phone, not to touch the computer, is supposed to create an oasis of sacred peace from the daily “hum-drum” of secular profanity. “Please sir, may I wipe my ass?”

Shomer Shabbat is a personal decision to separate oneself from all of the indirect 21st century “realistic” directives that we feel so overburdened to honor. I sat last night soaking up the nice aromatic smells of the beef stew I started in the slow cooker earlier in the day while watching the Hope For Haiti Now marathon and listened to some really awesome uncut/unplugged music: Taylor Swift, Kid Rock, Sheryl Crowe, Keith Urban, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, and the almost finale…Dave Matthews with Neil Young! There were many others so if you were out partying you’ll have to settle for the I-Tunes download.

I remember hearing Leonard Cohen sing ‘Hallelujah’ when I was a young lad and fell in love with the tune, then I heard Jeff Buckley sing it (nothing has really compared since but…), then I heard the young guy at a local coffee bar sing it a couple weeks ago in front of three people (and I could not figure out which head my tears were coming from), then Friday night on the telethon I heard Justin Timberlake sing it. I must say that he redeemed himself to me; I never cared for him but thought he did a really good job because it obviously must be a terribly difficult tune to sing.

I didn’t want the show to end but as it was coming to a close those above mentioned “thoughts and observations crawling around in the dark crevices of the soul” began moaning to come out, like hands extending from old rusted jail cell bars in some dark musty smelling Gulag. I picked up the channel changer and thought, “this is not allowed if I am to be truly shomer Shabbat”. I can keep the television on as long as it remains on one channel and nothing is adjusted in any way. Yet, I am sure that the mere viewing of the TV can be ruled a violation somehow.

I set the changer down and began thinking about the latest news release I saw of Hillary Clinton. It was after she returned from Haiti and for some reason it all made sense to me. I had just finished watching the telethon for Haiti and as I decided to forego profaning shomer Shabbat my thoughts grabbed on to memories of a rather haggard looking Secretary of State Clinton and thought I could really see that distant and hollow looking gaze that one sometimes acquires when they have crossed a threshold of reality. I do not appreciate some of the recent Obama administration “policy stumbling blocks” but I cannot deny that Hillary is really revealing herself as a true statesman/statesperson. She is worn out! Have you seen her recently?

I personally did not give her enough credit during the 08’ campaign but am pleased with her even if I do not agree with all measures. By the way…where the hell are Biden and Emanuel? It is best that at least Emanuel stays out of the public’s eye I think.

Then my thoughts seized on the article in the paper lying on the table in front of me about Chautauqua Airlines flight 3079 from New York to Louisville being redirected Friday morning due to a “misunderstanding.” Give me a break! This was absurd.

Most people recognize Tefilin as an item of religious practice used by Jews, even though they might not know what they are actually called. I can understand “someone who does not get out much” might be alarmed by a clean cut, handsome young man strapping a box to his forehead and left bicep while wrapping his arm in a leather strap but this is an airline originally from Jamestown, NY (Chautauqua county) – 70 miles from Buffalo, 200 from Toronto and 400 from NYC – and I am sure this is not first time someone has donned phylacteries after boarding a Chautauqua flight in this region. I really hate that word and think people love to use it because it reminds them of prophylactic. It is a stupid Greek interpretation for tefilin; maybe we use it because we are so in love with the ancient nostalgia of Helene culture.

I decided to sweep the “thoughts and observations crawling around in the dark crevices of the soul” away for the evening and as I eased back in the lounger I reminded myself of the part of Republic Airways “vision” statement about their employees and customers “…regardless of personal beliefs or world-view, everyone has been created in the image and likeness of G-d: We seek to become stronger from our diversity.”

Warning: Please check your “prophylacteries” at baggage!

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